KRYSTALFLEX® PE499 is a polyether-based Themoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) film for glass lamination applications. Key features are excellent hydrolysis and microbial resistance, UV resistance, low hardness and modulus, low warpage, excellent adhesion to acrylic, good low temperature performance, excellent laminated transparency and contains an adhesion promoter.
Jan 6th, 2021 - Zarif edited the TDS to change from PE499-100 (Old UV Package) to PE499-101 DP (New UV Package) basic properties to reflect the new product.
Because it only consist of a UV additive change, there should not be a significant change in the properties. This data is based on 2 production lots.
Feb/9/2023 - Lidina - Updating physical properties only, due to some differences noticed by customer.